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Made in Unity


September 2018 - October 2018: Narrative/Menu Design


A text based adventure game where you play as somebody trying to get through everyday life. All is going well until a Demon appears who can mind control you. The player can go through a series of paths through clicking different options and watch the story unfold!



What went well:

From the beginning of production, my team of 3 and I already had a rough idea of what we wanted the game to be. We quickly settled into roles and set about 30-40 hours per week into developing the game. The fact that we knew each other very well and knew each others strengths and weaknesses allowed for easy communication as well as easy implementation. Because of this, we didn't really have a ton of bugs.


What went wrong:

We had outside help for our art as well as some dialogue to implement. It proved difficult to get these in on time because of lack of communication between us. This almost cost us a bad grade because of how late we got these assets. Also toward the later weeks, some of our teammates got a bit lax and the project suffered a bit because of it. 

What I worked on/learned:

I did a lot of the dialogue implementation for our games. Each dialogue order choice was though out thoroughly so that it would make sense to the player. The text was made in a clear font so it was legible and readable to the player as well. I also made the entirety of the main menu screen, including the play and quit buttons.


I learned that communication is incredibly key when it comes to development a game efficiently. This is especially true when working with somebody that you don't see everyday. I learned that being too lax and unfocused can be harmful to the project. When you are working with friends, it is sometimes hard to remained focused because you just want to have fun.



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